Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mamuju, West Sulawesi

Mamuju is the capital of West Sulawesi (the 33rd province of  Indonesia). West Sulawesi formed in October 5, 2004 is the division of the province of South Sulawesi . It covers an area of about 16,796.19 km ² divided by 5 regions : Majene, Mamuju, North Mamuju, Polewali Mandar. West sulawesi consists of many tribes : Mandar (49.15%), Toraja (13.95%), Bugis (10.79%), Java (5.38%), Makassar (1.59%) and other tribes (19.15%). Besides cocoa , this area is also producing robusta coffee or Arabica coffee , coconut and clove .  In the mining sector, there is the content of gold , coal and petroleum .

Mamuju City is located in between Palu ( Central Sulawesi ) and Makassar ( South Sulawesi ). From the Tampa Padang airport which is about 35 km from City Mamuju, it takes about 30 minutes to take the winding hill as the city is sandwiched between the beach and chocolate-covered hills.

 Picture 1. Aircraft that can land at the Tampapadang Airport is just the type of Cesna with 10-20 passengers

 Picture 2 . Maleo hotel, the best in town now, by the beach.

 Pict 3. Sup ubi (at the airport so-called cafe), taste like soto ayam but with fried cassava.

 Pict 4. view from the winding hills from airport to mamuju down town.

 Pict 5. the famous grilled bandeng. No spice, but fresh grilled.
 Pict 6. sunset at the hotel maleo.
 Pict 7.sunrise at the hotel facing the harbor.

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